Monday, October 6, 2008

Nesting the Nursery, Part 1

As we near the third trimester of our pregnancy, Ami has kicked into nesting mode. I had really wanted to be back in Baton Rouge for the birth of our son, but time is quickly passing and it is obvious that we must begin making some preparations. So, we picked out paint for the nursery on Saturday, painted a test patch on the wall yesterday (you can see it in the photo - the manufacturer calls it Ice Box, but I think most people would call it Robin's Egg), and began to do some serious cleaning and organizing last night. The room that used to be our guest bedroom will become the nursery, and Ami has evicted my art projects and our scuba gear from the room that was a sort-of studio so that it can become a guest bedroom. I hope we can expect additional visitors since we have had relatively few since we have been here (but those that have come to see us have been extremely appreciated) and don't want to do all of this re-arranging of rooms for nothing, not withstanding the fact that I understand the nursery is a necessity. I'll post again as we make further progress.


1 comment:

The Kenyons said...

I can't wait to see when it is finished!!