Sunday, October 5, 2008

Washington Nationals vs NY Mets on 09/28/08

I'm not sure if we have any baseball fans reading our blog, but I
have been trying to expand Ami's sport horizons. One of her employee's gave us tickets to the September 28th game between the Washington Nationals and the New York Mets. I was not terribly excited about the match-up, not being a fan of the Mets and not impressed by the Nationals. However, I did want to see the new stadium and became a little more interested when I found out Johan Santana would be starting for the Mets. It was more exciting to watch him as a Twin, but I was still happy to see this future Hall of Famer pitch.

The new stadium is nice, but parking in SE DC is a pain and expensive. I believe they need to add a few more attractions on the inside, as it does not yet have the character of Camden Yards in Baltimore, which is the best stadium I have been in barring the Astrodome (which will probably always remain my favorite as it was with the huge lightboard display).

The only real competition during the game was the President's Race, which is always held in the middle of the Fourth inning. The race started out with Teddy streaking out of the gate and building a huge lead. The crowd grew ecstatic as it looked like Teddy would finally win his first race ever. Our spirits sank though as he seemed to get turned off course at first base and sprinted into the National's dugout, allowing Abe to win yet again. You can find out more about the Pesident's Race at the entry on Wikipedia.


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