Sunday, January 18, 2009


Here is a picture of Liam smiling!  It's a little blurry because I was trying to take it quick!  But it looks like a smile to me!

The next picture is of Liam and Zoe, doesn't she look cranky?  SHe is adjusting pretty well to a new baby, although she does get upset when Lars pays too much attention to Liam, because of course she thinks SHE should be the center of attention!  Poor puppy!


~d said...

He is SMILING!!! And WOW! he looks like Ami in that pic!!

The Kenyons said...

He is so beautiful!! Ami, you look great!! I am so happy for you both, I know ya'll are so happy!! I have been thinking about you but wanted to give you time to get settled. I will call and check on you this week!

Anonymous said...

Just got your letter, WOW a lot has happened since we last spoke. He is a beautiful boy and we are glad that all is well. We really need to catch-up.

Lars, do me a favor, I now have your address from the envelope which is one of the pieces to the puzzle, but I need your email addy and more importantly your mobile number. The only mobile number I have is one that does not work.

Take care,
Love from the Worrells


Anonymous said...

Hi guys! GP sent you a message but wanted to say "Hi" and CONGRATULATIONS myself. Liam is beautiful and I am so happy for you guys! Babies are the sweetest and teach you to go without much sleep but well worth it! Ami, I am glad you are doing well with the recovery from the C-section. Treasure this time because they grow up soooo fast!!!! Heath is about to turn 6 and Ava just turned 4! How time flies. We will keep checking in here for more pictures! :) Take care and give Liam a big kiss from all of us!

Stephanie Worrell