Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Pictures

We had a great visit with family this past week!  Lars' Dad Sheldon and his wife Judi came to visit.  It was SO nice to have family around!  We went out to dinner a couple of times, and Liam was very well behaved!  We went shopping for a few baby items we still needed and Judi was very helpful in pointing out things we did need but didn't know it!  It was a wonderful weekend!  Lars' Mom Millicent is arriving this Thursday, and we can't wait to see her too!  Then we have his sister Mimi coming in mid February.  I wanted to post a few more pics too.  I feel like I could put new pictures up every day, because he really changes every day.  He is staying awake for much longer intervals and is more alert and aware of his surroundings.  We are amazed every day that he is ours!

1 comment:

The Kenyons said...

He is so adorable!!! Sounds like things are going great for ya'll! Since you feel like you could post new pics everyday, you should, we all love seeing them and I keep checking!! You should get your package this week!! Hope you enjoy it all!