Sunday, January 4, 2009

Nursery Progress

Here are some pictures of the progress we are making on Liam's nursery.  We have ordered the dresser, but it may not be in before he's born.  But the paint is up and the crib is put together!  Slowly but surely we are getting there.  The photo with Lars is the best representation of te paint color.  I took the others at night with a flash and the color looks much different than it does on the walls.  

Hope everyone had a great Holiday and Happy New Years!


The Kenyons said...

I love it!!! The crib is awesome and the color you picked is so pretty! You better get busy, 18 days to go!!!!

~d said...

Lalala! ♫♫ Looking for a recent update.

Anonymous said...

Hey...where's the baby pics? Can't wait to see. Congratulations to both of you. Love Dan & Danis

The Kenyons said...

CONGRATS TO both of you!!! Can't wait to see more pictures!! I am so happy for you!