Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Photo Shoot

Here are some of Liam's first photos!  We had a 4D ultrasound today and it was great!  He was not terribly coorporative at first, he had his hands and feet in front of his face, but we were able to get some pretty decent facial shots eventually.  Lars' Dad Sheldon and my parents Bill and BJ were able to watch remotely on their computers while they were conferenced in on a call so we were able to share this experience with them.  It's so hard to be far from your family at times like this, and it was wonderful that they were able to be involved!  So who do you think he looks like? 


the lemon tree said...

I have been watching the site all day waiting to see the pics. It looks like he is going to have cute little squeezable cheeks :) I love the 4D ultrasound, Tim's brother and his wife had it done. Did your doctor offer this or did y'all do it somewhere else? I am so happy that everything looks good and that is is a good weight. It sounds like he has the potential to be a big boy. Hang in there guys he will be here before you know it.

~d said...

I think he looks like his Mommy!!

Unknown said...

AAWWWWWW!!!!!! I want one!!! He's so cute! can't wait to babysit!

The Kenyons said...

WOW those are great! I am saying Mommy according to those pictures!! How neat that your family got to conference in!! Hope you are feeling better!