Monday, November 10, 2008


I went to the Dr. today as a follow up to our hospital visit on Thursday night.  She has recommended bedrest indefinately.  The good new is that my cervix still looks pretty good.  When she did the physical examination she said it felt very, very short (she estimated it to be less than 1cm) but with the ultra sound it actually measured almost 4cm, which is great!  She also said there was no funneling, meaning my cervix is not currently opening from the inside, which is also good news.  The bad news is that I continue to have quite a few contractions, some so painful they are waking me up at night, despite being on a medication called Pro.cardia to stop them.  I know the medication is working because they always start to get worse when it's time for another dose.  
In other news we are finally buying our crib today (thanks, Mom and Dad!!!).  I have been given permission to accompany Lars to the store to make this purchase as long as I don't drive and I don't lift anything.  We'll make it quick and hopefully it will arrive before the baby!

1 comment:

The Kenyons said...

Oh I am so sorry girl!! that is so hard!! i have been thinking about you! I will give you a call today! Can't wait to see the crib! Hang in there!!