Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Trip to DC

Last Saturday, on Mimi's last day in town, we went to DC to the Newseum. We had a great time, but we didn't make it to the American History Museum as planned. The American history Museum is now open after an extended renovation, and we haven't been there since we've lived in the area. Since it looks like we will be moving soon we will have to hurry! Liam slept through most of his trip, so not sure how much culture he was exposed to. Maybe in a few months?

Picture of the Capital building from the deck of the Newseum

Ami with a cardboard cut out of a Gangsta!

Lars and Ami in front of a section of the Berlin Wall

Liam getting ready for his first trip to DC.

Monday, February 16, 2009

One More...

More Photos of Liam

Here are some new pictures of Liam. We were trying to take something for his birth announcements! Any favorites? Also one with his Auntie Mimi.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


So I got a speeding ticket today! We were picking up Lars' sister Mimi from the airport and a cop started signaling me to slow down. I was NOT speeding at this point, just coming up to a slower speed zone, so I was annoyed that she was telling me to slow down. I did slow down and we eventually stopped at the curb to get Mimi. Well the cop came barreling down the road and when she got to my car she rapped hard on the window and started screaming at me! She insisted that she signaled me to pull over and she was crying too! Clearly it was going to do no good to argue with her so I just shut up. but it was very strange. I would never have intentionally not pulled over if I had thought that's what she wanted. ANd I'm certain she lied on the ticket, she said I was going 39 in a 15! First of all it wasn't a 15 yet, but I was certainly not going 39! I was basically in the airport lot at this time. It was very odd that she was screaming at me, and that she was crying. Obviously she had a bad day and decided to take it out on me. I have NEVER had a speeding ticket, I just don't speed! I did get a ticket for failure to come to a complete stop when I was 18, but that's it. Oh, and a ticket for running a red light (total accident!) at a signal that had a camera. I don't even know what happens when you get a ticket! Can I dispute it? Does my insurance go up? ANyway, welcome to Annapolis Mimi! Sorry your arrival was so eventful!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

New Liam Photos

Here are a few new pictures of Liam! His cousin Vera made him two blankets so here he is with those. And two other pictures that I think are cute. In one he has his cranky face!