Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What a Pain!

We had another Dr. visit last week and the baby looks great!  Not too big, not too small!  I seriously don't know what I will do when I don't get an ultrasound every other week!  But we feel lots of movement now, so that's reassuring!  My new problem is sciatic pain, really, really bad sciatic pain!  I am going to a physical therapist tomorrow, so hopefully that will help.  The problem is that I'm on my feet nearly 10 hours a day at work, and by the end of the day I'm practically crippled!  Hopefully the PT will offer some relief.  Otherwise I'm feeling pretty great!  

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Long Week

So we've had a pretty stressful week!  First our beloved Zoe got sick, we still don't know with what.  We took her to our vet and spent a fortune only for them to tell us that they weren't equipped to handle her case and we needed to take her to the emergency vet.  I really thought for a while there that we might lose her.   After spending another fortune at the ER vet they kept her overnight and sent her home with us the next day, but it was a few more days before she started to feel better.  But at least she seems to be starting to feel like her old self again!

On another note, I started having contractions on Sunday night, about 2 an hour, that didn't go away for over 2 days.  My Dr. put me on bedrest for 48 hours and it seems to have done the trick.  Not sure what caused it, but I hope it doesn't happen again!  Talk about stressful!  I wish I could have an easier time of it.  I feel so jumpy about everything related to this pregnancy.  I hope I'm not creating a high strung child because I feel so much anxiety!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Sunday Night Football

So this was not the way we wanted to start our football season, with a Co.lts loss to the Bea.rs.  But really this is Peyton's pre-season, because he was out during the regular pre-season, but hopefully this was his only "pre-season" game.  And I feel partially responsible because I made a not so nice comment regarding Tom Bra.dy's knee injury yesterday and I'm afraid it jinxed my team!  I promise to think nice thoughts Bra.dy and his knee in the future.  Go Co.lts!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Baby Pictures

We are starting this blog to record our journey to becoming parents.  After struggling with infertility, a failed IVF, and a miscarriage we are finally 19 weeks pregnant!  These pictures are from our last ultra sound on August 26, 2008.  Isn't he cute!