Sunday, July 5, 2009

Does anyone still read this??

Photo for Liam's baptismal invitation

Liam's first highchair experience!

Liam in his Baptismal outfit

Another Baptismal outfit

The proud Parents with Liam's Godparents, Tim and Laura Hebert
I know it's been forever since we've updated, but it's so hard to keep up with blogs, e-mail, facebook, message boards, and a baby! Anyway, thought I would post some new pictures. Liam has some teeth, he got 2 at once, his bottom front. Yesterday he sat in a high chair for the very first time! He is getting very big and his personality is really coming out! He is very sweet natured, he sleeps great, and is such a blessing to us. He was baptized on Fathers Day, so I will include some of those photos as well. That was a great day and we were thrilled to share it with so many people, including Steven Campbell (q) and Lars' Aunt Susie from Mississippi.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

We made it!

Liam in his sun hat, on his way to see the Easter Bunny!

Liam in his Easter outfit

Liam and his Daddy having a swim

I know it's been a while since our last post, but it's been crazy with the move! We have finally made it to Baton Rouge! We are excited to be here and are slowly settling in. We had a great Easter weekend in Gulf Shores, AL with the family, and Liam went swimming for the first time! Here are a few pictures from our trip!

Monday, March 16, 2009

New Pictures

Here are some new pictures of Liam. I went back to work last Monday so that's why you haven't heard from us in a while! Going back to work was definitely harder on me than it was on Liam! Debra, a friends of our that works with me, was nice enough to watch him last week and he had a ball! She spoiled him rotten! We couldn't line up any child care this week so I am working in the mornings and coming home when Lars has to go to work. We just have to get through this week, and pack up our house, and we'll be ready to move! We can't wait! But we would like to move to be done already.

Liam and Daddy going for a walk

Liam just got a Bumbo chair and he loves it!

Another one of Liam in his Bumbo chair

Liam doing tummy time on his Rainforest Activity mat

Another of Liam on his Rainforest mat.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Rubber Ducky you're the One

Liam at bath time! He LOVES to have a bath!

Le Tigre?

I had to post this picture! For those of you that have seen Zoo.lander, doesn't this look exactly like Ben Stil.ler doing his Le Tigre look? So cute!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy Days

Here is the first picture of Liam smiling, with his eyes open anyway. He is doing new things everyday and he is such a happy baby! But his smiles are fleeting and it's been a challenge to capture one on camera.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day!

We had our first (and probably last) REAL snow fall of the season! We received about 6 inches! Here are a few pictures of us enjoying it.

Our snowy yard!

Zoe loving the snow!

Lars, Liam and Zoe

Lars and Liam. We have no gloves for him so he is wearing socks on his hands!